Source: SoupGraph.js

 * Creates an instance of a SoupGraph
 * @constructor
function SoupGraph() {
	// Always working reference to this
	var self = this;

	// Make the graph an event emitter, if possible
	if (SoupGraph.eventsAvailable)
		console.warn("SoupEvents is not available. The graph will be unable to register event listeners and dispatch events");
	// Collection of nodes
	var nodes = {};
	Object.defineProperties(this, {
		 * An array of all node handles in the graph. This is not static, even though the documentation says so
		 * @return {Array}
		 * @memberof SoupGraph
		 * @instance
		nodes: {
			get: function() {
				var ids = [];
				for (var id in nodes) {
				return ids;

	 * Adds a node to the graph
	 * @param {string} id	The handle to use for the node
	 * @param [data]	Any data to store in the node
	 * @return {string}	The handle of the node. Same as the "id" parameter
	this.addNode = function(id, data) {
		// Check if the ID is already taken
		if (typeof nodes[id] != "undefined")
			throw "Node " + id + " already exists";

		// Add the node
		nodes[id] = new SoupGraphNode(data);

		// Emit the "nodeadded" event
		dispatchEvent("nodeadded", id);

		// Return the identifier
		return id;

	 * Removes a node from the graph. All edges to and from the node are removed along with it
	 * @param {string} node	Handle for the node to remove
	this.removeNode = function(node) {
		var id = getValidNode(node).id;

		// Check if the node exists
		if (typeof nodes[id] == "undefined")
			throw "Node " + id + " does not exist in this graph";

		// Remove all edges to and from the node

		// Remove the node
		delete nodes[id];

		// Emit the "noderemoved" event
		dispatchEvent("noderemoved", id);

	 * Adds an edge between two nodes in the graph
	 * @param {object} properties	Properties for the edge to add
	 * @param {string} properties.fromNode	Handle for the node the edge is going from
	 * @param {string} properties.toNode	Handle for the node the edge is going to
	 * @param {string}	Name of the edge
	 * @param {number} properties.length	Length of the edge
	this.addEdge = function(properties) {
		// Default properties
		var props = {
			fromNode: null,
			toNode: null,
			length: null,
			name: null

		// Merge the default props with the given props
		for (var prop in properties) {
			props[prop] = properties[prop];

		// Make the edge
		var edge = new SoupGraphEdge(props.fromNode, props.toNode,, props.length);

		// Add the edge

		// Emit the "edgeadded" event
		dispatchEvent("edgeadded", edge);

	 * Removes an edge from the graph
	 * @param {SoupGraphEdge} edge	The edge to remove
	this.removeEdge = function(edge) {
		// Check if the edge is valid
		if (!(edge instanceof SoupGraphEdge))
			throw "Given edge is not an edge";

		// Remove the edge

		// Emit the "edgeremoved" event
		dispatchEvent("edgeremoved", edge);

	 * Gets an array of all edges going from a node. Edges are read-only
	 * @param {string} node	Handle for the node to get edges from
	 * @return {Array}	An array containing all current edges from the given node
	this.getEdgesFrom = function(node) {
		node = getValidNode(node);

		return node.edgesOut;

	 * Gets an array of all edges going to a node. Edges are read-only
	 * @param {string} node	Handle for the node to get edges to
	 * @return {Array}	An array containing all current edges to the given node
	this.getEdgesTo = function(node) {
		node = getValidNode(node);

		return node.edgesIn;

	 * Gets an edge with a given name from a node
	 * @param {string} node	Handle for the node to get the edge from
	 * @param {string} name	Name of the edge to get
	this.getNamedEdgeFrom = function(node, name) {
		var edges = this.getEdgesFrom(node);
		for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
			if (edges[i].name == name)
				return edges[i];

		throw "No such edge " + name + " from node " + node;

	 * Gets an edge with a given name to a node
	 * @param {string} node	Handle for the node to get the edge to
	 * @param {string} name	Name of the edge to get
	this.getNamedEdgeTo = function(node, name) {
		var edges = this.getEdgesTo(node);
		for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
			if (edges[i].name == name)
				return edges[i];

		throw "No such edge " + name + " to node " + node;

	 * Gets an array of all edges going from a node to another node
	 * @param {string} from	Handle for the node to get edges from
	 * @param {string} to	Handle for the node to get edges to
	 * @return {Array}	Array containing all edges currently going between the nodes in the direction specified
	this.getEdges = function(from, to) {
		from = getValidNode(from);

		var unprocessedEdges = from.edgesOut;
		var edges = [];
		unprocessedEdges.forEach(function(edge, i) {
			if (edge.toNode == to)
		return edges;

	 * Get the data held by a node
	 * @param {string} node	Handle for the node to get data from
	 * @return	The data held by the node
	this.getData = function(node) {
		node = getValidNode(node);


	 * Set the data held by a node
	 * @param {string} node	Handle for the node to set data to
	 * @param data	The data to store in the node
	this.setData = function(node, data) {
		var id = node;
		node = getValidNode(node); = data;

		// Emit the "datachanged" event
		dispatchEvent("datachanged", {newData: data, node: id});

	 * Checks if a handle's node is in the graph
	 * @param {string} node	The node handle to check
	 * @return {boolean}	True if the node is in the graph, false otherwise
	this.isValidNode = function(node) {
		try {
			return true;
		} catch (e) {
			return false;

	// Function to dispatch events if events are available
	function dispatchEvent(type, data) {
		if (typeof self.dispatchEvent == "function")
			self.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(type, {detail: data}));

	// Get the node with the ID and throw an exception if it does not exist
	function getValidNode(node) {
		if (typeof nodes[node] == "undefined")
			throw "Invalid node: " + node;

		return nodes[node];

	// Constructor for a node
	function SoupGraphNode(data) {
		// Edges to and from this node
		var incomingEdges = [];
		var outgoingEdges = [];
		Object.defineProperties(this, {
			edgesIn: {
				get: function() {
					var copy = [];
					incomingEdges.forEach(function(edge) {
					return copy;
			edgesOut: {
				get: function() {
					var copy = [];
					outgoingEdges.forEach(function(edge) {
					return copy;

		// Object held by the node
		var data = data;
		Object.defineProperties(this, {
			data: {
				get: function() {return data;},
				set: function(newData) {data = newData;}

		// Add an incoming edge
		this._addIncomingEdge = function(edge) {
			// Check if the edge is valid
			if (!(edge instanceof SoupGraphEdge))
				throw "Given edge is not a SoupGraphEdge";

			// Check if the edge is already registered
			if (incomingEdges.indexOf(edge) >= 0)
				throw "The given edge is already coming in to this node";

			// Check if the edge actually goes to this node
			if (nodes[edge.toNode] != this)
				throw "The edge is not going to this node";

			// Add the edge

		// Remove an incoming edge
		this._removeIncomingEdge = function(edge) {
			// Find the edge in the node
			var i = incomingEdges.indexOf(edge);
			if (i < 0)
				throw "The given edge is not connected to this node";

			// Remove the edge
			incomingEdges.splice(i, 1);

		// Add an outgoing edge
		this.addEdge = function(edge) {
			// Check if the edge is valid
			if (!(edge instanceof SoupGraphEdge))
				throw "Given edge is not a SoupGraphEdge";

			// Check if the edge is already registered
			if (outgoingEdges.indexOf(edge) >= 0)
				throw "The given edge is already going out of this node";

			// Check if the edge actually goes to this node
			if (nodes[edge.fromNode] != this)
				throw "The edge is not coming from this node";

			// Check if	this node already has an outgoing edge with the name, if the name is set
			if ( != null) {
					for (var i = 0; i < outgoingEdges.length; i++) {
						if ( ==
							throw "An edge with the name " + + " already goes from node " + edge.fromNode;

			// Add the edge
			// Add the edge as incoming to the target node

		// Remove an incoming edge
		this.removeEdge = function(edge) {
			// Find the edge in the node

			var i = outgoingEdges.indexOf(edge);
			if (i < 0)
				throw "The given edge is not connected to this node";

			// Remove the edge
			outgoingEdges.splice(i, 1);
			// Remove the edge from the target node

		// Clear all edges to and from the node
		this.clear = function(parent) {
			incomingEdges.forEach(function(edge) {
			outgoingEdges.forEach(function(edge) {

	 // Constructor for a SoupGraphEdge
	function SoupGraphEdge(fromNode, toNode, name, length) {
		// Validate the data
		if (typeof length != "undefined" && isNaN(length))
			throw "Length must be a number!";
		length = parseFloat(length);
		 // Handle for the node the edge is going from
		this.fromNode = fromNode;
		// Handle for the node the edge is going from
		this.toNode = toNode;
		// Name of the edge = name == null ? undefined : name.toString();
		// Length of the edge
		this.length = parseFloat(length);

		// Freeze the object so changes can't be made

 * Automatic graph builders for often used topologies
 * @memberof SoupGraph
SoupGraph.graphBuilders = {
	 * Creates a 2D grid graph where all nodes are connected bidirectionally with all four neighbour nodes.
	 * The nodes will have handles on the format "x,y"
	 * @param {number} width	Width of the grid. This-1 is the max "x" coordinate
	 * @param {number} height	Height of the grid. This-1 is the maz "y" coordinate
	 * @param {SoupGraph} [graph]	A SoupGraph to make a grid of. If not provided, a new one will be made
	 * @return {SoupGraph}	Either the provided graph, or a new one
	 * @memberof SoupGraph.graphBuilders
	Grid2D: function(width, height, graph) {
		// Check if width and height are valid numbers
		if (isNaN(width) || width < 1)
			throw "Width must be a number greater than 0";
		if (isNaN(height) || height < 1)
			throw "Height must be a number greater than 0";

		// Make the graph if one was not provided
		if (!(graph instanceof SoupGraph))
			graph = new SoupGraph();

		// Make all nodes
		for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
			for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
				graph.addNode(x + "," + y);

		// Connect all nodes
		for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
			for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
				var edges = [
					{fromNode: x + "," + y, toNode: x + "," + (y-1), name: SoupGraph.N, length: 1},
					{fromNode: x + "," + y, toNode: (x+1) + "," + y, name: SoupGraph.E, length: 1},
					{fromNode: x + "," + y, toNode: x + "," + (y+1), name: SoupGraph.S, length: 1},
					{fromNode: x + "," + y, toNode: (x-1) + "," + y, name: SoupGraph.W, length: 1}
				for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
					try {
					} catch (e) {}

		// Return the graph
		return graph;
	 * Creates a 3D grid graph where all nodes are connected bidirectionally with all six neighbour nodes.
	 * The nodes will have handles on the format "x,y,z"
	 * @param {number} width	Width of the grid. This-1 is the max "x" coordinate
	 * @param {number} height	Height of the grid. This-1 is the max "y" coordinate
	 * @param {number} length	Height of the grid. This-1 is the max "z" coordinate
	 * @param {SoupGraph} [graph]	A SoupGraph to make a grid of. If not provided, a new one will be made
	 * @return {SoupGraph}	Either the provided graph, or a new one
	 * @memberof SoupGraph.graphBuilders
	Grid3D: function(width, height, length, graph) {
		// Check if width and height are valid numbers
		if (isNaN(width) || width < 1)
			throw "Width must be a number greater than 0";
		if (isNaN(height) || height < 1)
			throw "Height must be a number greater than 0";
		if (isNaN(length) || length < 1)
			throw "Length must be a number greater than 0";

		// Make the graph if one was not provided
		if (!(graph instanceof SoupGraph))
			graph = new SoupGraph();

		// Make all nodes
		for (var z = 0; z < length; z++) {
			for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
				for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
					graph.addNode(x + "," + y + "," + z);

		// Connect all nodes
		for (var z = 0; z < length; z++) {
				for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
					for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
						var edges = [
							{fromNode: x + "," + y + "," + z, toNode: x + "," + (y-1) + "," + z, name: SoupGraph.N, length: 1},
							{fromNode: x + "," + y + "," + z, toNode: (x+1) + "," + y + "," + z, name: SoupGraph.E, length: 1},
							{fromNode: x + "," + y + "," + z, toNode: x + "," + (y+1) + "," + z, name: SoupGraph.S, length: 1},
							{fromNode: x + "," + y + "," + z, toNode: (x-1) + "," + y + "," + z, name: SoupGraph.W, length: 1},
							{fromNode: x + "," + y + "," + z, toNode: x + "," + y + "," + (z-1), name: SoupGraph.U, length: 1},
							{fromNode: x + "," + y + "," + z, toNode: x + "," + y + "," + (z+1), name: SoupGraph.D, length: 1}
						for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
							try {
							} catch (e) {}

		// Return the graph
		return graph;
	 * Builds a graph from a previously {@link SoupGraph#save}d graph
	 * @param {string} json	JSON representation of a previously {@link SoupGraph#save}d graph
	 * @return {SoupGraph}	A SoupGraph made from the JSON.
	 * @see {@link SoupGraph#load}
	fromJSON: function(json) {
		var graph = new SoupGraph();
		return graph;

Object.defineProperties(SoupGraph, {
	 * Constant "North"
	 * @memberof SoupGraph
	 * @readonly
	N: {get: function() {return "N";}},
	 * Constant "East"
	 * @memberof SoupGraph
	 * @readonly
	E: {get: function() {return "E";}},
	 * Constant "South"
	 * @memberof SoupGraph
	 * @readonly
	S: {get: function() {return "S";}},
	 * Constant "West"
	 * @memberof SoupGraph
	 * @readonly
	W: {get: function() {return "W";}},
	 * Constant "Up"
	 * @memberof SoupGraph
	 * @readonly
	U: {get: function() {return "U";}},
	 * Constant "Down"
	 * @memberof SoupGraph
	 * @readonly
	D: {get: function() {return "D";}},
	 * Checks if SoupGraphs are able to register event listeners and dispatch events
	 * @memberof SoupGraph
	 * @readonly
	eventsAvailable: {get: function() {return typeof SoupEvents != "undefined" }}

 * Saves a graph as JSON
 * @return {string}	JSON-representation of the graph
 */ = function() {
	// The object which will eventually be turned to JSON
	var graph = {};

	// Get all nodes
	var nodes = this.nodes;

	// Iterate over all nodes
	for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
		var node = nodes[i];
		graph[node] = {
			edges: [],
			data: this.getData(node)

		// Get all edges from the node
		var edges = this.getEdgesFrom(node);

		// Iterate over all the edges
		for (var j = 0; j < edges.length; j++) {

	// Return the JSON
	return JSON.stringify(graph);

 * Loads a graph from JSON. May be used to add one graph to another, but will fail if this graph and the graph loaded contain nodes with the same IDs
 * @param {string} json	JSON-representaion of a graph made with {@link SoupGraph#save}
 * @see {@link SoupGraph.graphBuilders#fromJSON}
SoupGraph.prototype.load = function(json) {
	// Parse the JSON
	var graph = JSON.parse(json);

	// Iterate over all the nodes in order to create them
	for (var node in graph) {
		var data = graph[node].data;

		// Add the node to the graph
		this.addNode(node, data);

	// Iterate over all the nodes again in order to add the edges
	for (var node in graph) {
		var edges = graph[node].edges;

		// Add the edges
		for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {